"We were no more than two leagues from the island when fifty or sixty proas under sail surrounded the fleet. These proas were furnished with lateen sails of palm mats and were as light as the wind...The day had scarcely begun when a great number of these proas appeared about us...more than four or five hundred around the ships..." — Legazpi aboard the San Pedro, 1565
Welcome to 500 Sails. We invite you to join us as we revive, promote, and preserve the maritime cultural traditions of the Mariana Islands through community engagement in canoe culture and activities.
Our free Community Programs include swimming and sailing lessons, cultural outreach in schools and at public events, and other programs that promote cultural awareness and healthy lifestyles in the local community. We also provide formal professional and vocational training for maritime jobs through the 500 Sails Cultural Maritime Training Center in partnership with Northern Marianas College, and we host visitors to our islands on the water in traditional Chamorro and Carolinian canoes.
New to 500 Sails? The best way to learn about us is to come to the beach on Saturdays and take a ride on a traditional sailing canoe. This and many other opportunities to engage with our growing community of traditional mariners are listed in the Community Calendar. Also, check out 500 Sails on Instagram and Facebook for pictures, videos, and the latest news.
Si Yu'us Ma'asi — Thank you for visiting us online. We're glad you're here!